4 Crazy Simple Tips To Start Eating Healthy
Updated: Feb 10, 2022
Splendid Spoon asked me how I'm starting to eat healthy this year and the ways Splendid Spoon helps me do it. So I decided to share 4 of my favorite tips for how to start eating healthy! Disclaimer.

How To Start Eating Healthy
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the whole "healthy eating thing," I don't blame you one bit.
It feels like we're constantly being hit with new ideas for what it actually means to eat healthily, down to the point of even questioning if certain foods once deemed healthy even are.
And as much as I love discovering healthy recipes to make, I want healthy eating to be as simple as possible.
Scratch that, I need it to be as simple as possible. And I know that you do too.
We're all busy, and we can't ask our bodies to keep up with our crazy schedules and perform their best if we're not giving them the proper fuel to chug along.
Proper nutrition has been an extremely important piece of my life as a professional runner. But it has not always been easy. To develop sustainable healthy eating practices I've had to learn some lessons and go through some self-discovery along the way.
So when Splendid Spoon asked me how I'm starting to eat healthy this year, I immediately knew I wanted to share some of my favorite tips for eating healthy that make the whole thing a lot easier.
This isn't the answer to everything, but if you're looking to learn how to start eating healthy, remember these 4 things. They really can help!

4 Crazy Simple Tips: How To Start Eating Healthy
Healthy eating doesn't have to be this huge, scary thing looming over you. So I wanted to take a second to share some of the simplest mindset shifts and smallest tasks that have helped me be a healthy eater.
Like crazy simple. So simple you might not believe the powerful impact that they can have. But I promise you that they can make a world of a difference.
And since Splendid Spoon inspired me to share, I'll be giving you some tips for how you can use this amazing service to help you out. Let's get started!
1. Just Start, And Start Small
You know how everyone's always saying to "just start?"
Healthy eating is no different.
Sometimes people think that you need to do hours and hours of research or hire someone to create a detailed nutrition plan for you in order to make any progress at all.
Those tasks are pretty overwhelming, and it's easier for them to be pushed off. "Someday I'll start that huge project..."
It's certainly beneficial to have a nutrition plan. I'm not going to say that you would never need one to reach your healthy eating goals.
However, taking small steps at first can make the whole thing feel way less overwhelming. So just start!
Maybe you:
Go from 4 sodas a week to 2 sodas a week
Start adding 2 fruits to your grocery list
Cook a meal at home two nights a week instead of eating out every day
Do you see what I mean? Teaching yourself how to eat healthy doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing scenario.
I'm not a professional nutritionist by any means. But in my personal experience with my journey to eating correctly, thinking and acting in extremes isn't sustainable. And it doesn't make you happy.
Instead of thinking I can only eat this or that, start thinking of small habits that you can work on to build more nutrition into your life.
For example, I always struggled with eating enough throughout the day. The fear of eating too much of the wrong thing stopped me from making any progress at all.
I knew I wasn't eating a balanced diet, yet was paralyzed from taking any steps. The solution?
I thought, what can I do a few times a week to become better at this?
The Splendid Spoon smoothies were a perfect solution for this for me. They're premade and don't make you feel overstuffed.
Having them in my fridge to grab throughout the day allows me to eat enough and I know they're loaded with amazing ingredients I wouldn't get elsewhere.
Splendid Spoon also has an extensive line of premade bowls and soups that are filled with plant-based proteins and vegetables. Start by getting one of the smaller plan options with Splendid Spoon!
Even having a few of these in your freezer will support your healthy eating goals and get you headed down the right track.

2. Get Someone To Do It For You- AKA Meal Delivery Services
Have you ever gone on a "health-kick" and headed to the grocery store with a giant shopping list and big cooking dreams?
I know I have!
Baking and cooking are great hobbies, but they're a lot of work.
Even if you're ready to tackle some healthy recipes, sometimes it's way easier to order takeout. And when you fall into the habit of ordering takeout, it's pretty hard to break out of it.
That's why leaning on meal delivery services can help you start eating healthy this year.
Splendid Spoon meals are premade. All you have to do is heat them up! (Or thaw them out, if you get the smoothies.)
So on those busy days that you just don't feel like making food, turn to your healthy premade meals instead of reaching for the takeout menu.
If you're already feeling stressed out from your busy days, thinking about how to start eating healthy on top of that can cause even more stress.
That's why meal delivery services like Splendid Spoon exist. They help you get the nutrition you need by coming right to you, already made. How about that for a good deal?
3. Cut Yourself A Break
This is one of the most important tips for how to start eating healthy.
I'm telling you right now, you will not be "perfect."
You're going to have days where you don't eat the way you think you're "supposed to."
And that is absolutely okay. You deserve to eat things that make you happy even if they're loaded with sugar.
Healthy eating isn't necessarily about giving up all of your pleasures for the rest of your life.
And beating yourself up about eating habits is never productive.
Cut yourself a break. Acknowledge that you're learning and that it's a journey.
Plus, it's your journey. Don't compare yourself to anyone else (I know it's hard). But what you need to eat will not be the same as what other people need to eat.
Nutrition is a very individualized thing because all of our bodies are different!
It's great that Splendid Spoon has a bunch of different plans to choose from. Not everyone is looking for the same food plan based on their needs, so the ability to have this flexibility is so important.
Allow yourself to explore your food journey and figure out what you need. Don't force yourself into boxes established by external influences, unless it's a plan from your certified nutritionist.

4. Create A Healthy Environment
This is one of the easiest things you can do to help yourself stay on track with nutrition goals.
It has helped me immensely.
Healthy eating is as simple as creating an environment around you that encourages you to eat healthily. If your only choices are foods that are good for you, that's what you'll go to!
If you have brownies in your cupboard, you're going to make brownies! But if you don't, you might opt for what's in your cupboard at that moment instead of heading to the store.
I know that you can choose to run out to the store and grab brownies if you feel like it.
But having some obstacles in your way- putting down what you're doing, getting in the car, going to the store- makes resorting to unhealthy options way less likely.
Remember, healthy eating is definitely about balance! You don't have to give up buying the things you love forever.
But I have noticed that if there are more unhealthy things around, I grab them. Even if it's not something I normally want to eat.
Instead, pack your fridge with healthy snacks and easy-to-grab meals. Having Splendid Spoon's smoothies in my fridge means that I start my morning the right way- with a nutrition-packed meal/snack instead of a sugary bowl of cereal.
Just being in an environment with fulfilling foods like this makes it so much easier to eat energizing, fulfilling foods.
During the day when I'm working from home, I love to grab unhealthy snacks around me because that's what's available. I convince myself that I don't have time to make something that's better for me.
With Splendid Spoon bowls in my fridge, I have a healthy option I can grab instead of skipping a meal entirely or snacking on something random.
Set yourself up for success by putting the good stuff in your home!
How Splendid Spoon Is Helping Me Start Eating Healthy Food This Year
So you want to start eating healthy this year?
I'm so happy for you making that decision and setting healthy goals for yourself. There are so many benefits to learning how to start eating healthy and then putting your new habits into practice!
Once you start eating more real whole foods, your skin will thank you, your energy will go up...the list goes on. Your body will be so appreciative of you showing it some love and you'll be ready to show up as your best self all the time. (Okay, most of the time.)
I'm all about making healthy living simple, and that's exactly why I enjoy having Splendid Spoon in my fridge. Their whole thing is about making healthy eating convenient, and I'm so on board with that.
Before I list off some highlights about Splendid Spoon's meal service, I know that you have a burning question.
What's the best Splendid spoon?
It's a tough call, but my current favorites are:
I highly recommend these ones if you try. So. Good.

My Favorite Things About Splendid Spoon
Ok, so how does Splendid Spoon work? I have a larger Splendid Spoon review, but here are some of the reasons you should try Splendid Spoon to help you start eating healthy:
The Process Is SO Easy
They say that their convenience is their MO, and they're not lying. It is so easy to go on to your plan and place an order for what you want to get next. You get to choose which meals you want, so grab your favorites or try something new!
Either way it gets shipped right to you and a meal is a microwave away.
The Available Options
Splendid Spoon partners with chefs and nutritionists to truly make their smoothies and bowls the perfect blend of what we need. If I was cooking for myself, I know I wouldn't use some of these amazing ingredients!
The smoothies and meals from Splendid Spoon are a great opportunity to get some of those delicious, less common, nutritional ingredients (like kimchi, flax seeds, or dates!).
Splendid Spoon Puts Health First, Without Sacrificing Taste
Okay, this goes without saying. But here are some of the pros about Splendid Spoon's meals:
No artificial sugars! They use dates or fruits to sweeten.
Whole, unprocessed ingredients.
Loaded with protein, plant-based protein!
Unique ingredients that are less common in the everyday meals we cook.
Commit To Your Health
Like I said at the beginning of this post, you have to just start. Make the decision to commit to your health and take the first step, even if it feels small.
We all start somewhere! And the journey continues. I'm constantly figuring out what foods make me feel strong and happy.
These 4 tips are amazing for how to eat clean for beginners if you're just starting out. But even if you're learning how to start eating healthy again after taking a bit of a hiatus, I hope these give you inspiration.
If you liked this post, be sure to comment below and let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts about keeping healthy eating simple.
And if you want to try Splendid Spoon, make sure you steal this deal to save $50 and get a free pack of wellness shots with your order!
